Gerald Kaew!!!!! I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was taken 8months ago. How times flies.
Once in awhile when i miss you too much, i'll watch the vid. And everytime i watched it, i cannot help but laughed again and again.
I thought i shouldn't be selfish because i guess there're people around who misses you guys as much. So i shall be nice and share this video. Nobody loves to take video as much as me! hahaha. Will go dig out more to upload. How the gun fighting scene at kukup for the next episode?!?! Good?! =)
For now, it's just this.

My booth. The Audio House.

All of us from D-Force. They say, act cool ar. Then don't know why i smiled until so happy. I like keeping all these photos. It will remind me on how we worked as a team and how we encouraged one another when sales is bad.
Pentax staffs had a coke yum seng session at the end of the show. We had an air horn sounding loud to appreciate all our efforts and hard work.
I had friends all over Comex! I love this feeling. Walking through the show with the must ask question, either from me or them. " Ay hi! how's sales?! How are you? Hope to work with you again! Go grab a few drinks after the show leh! Give me your number. Call you later!" hahaha. Gab is just infront of me. Nel upstairs at level 6. Joey at Mio. Queen at Sony. Pentax, Samsung, Canon, Fuji full time promotors that are not in D force.
When zhixin and han came to pick us up, they say, you all very happy hor, 3 of you worked together. haha. Okay la.

The old bird said, " I thought this year is gonna be an exception. Usually there will be at least one fight at Comex without fail. " And this fight broke out on the last day at 10.30pm when almost all the staffs are leaving alr. 7 to 8 people on 1. Knn. I risked my life to take a few snaps. The harvey norman people.

They fought then kanna pulled away, then fought again and pulled away. Got around 4 times ar. Luckily there's no customers alr. Internal disputes.
I bumped into june on sun at cnc.
She told me about her trip to dubai with you guys.
You have no idea how jealous bao and i were.
She told me gerald lost weight.
Ay huiling, eat more can?!
And as usual, i got wasted that night with her and her brother around.
I found a device where i can put my box of 2GB cards into VERY good use.
My 6 years old camcorder. Surprising supports a 2GB. Wonder if it can support a 4GB. Haha. Okay, too greedy.
183mins of video. 6823 photos per 2GB. GOOD ENOUGH.
No more spending on mini DV tapes. -smirks-