Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Gerald, i'll post alot of photos and videos k? We have to be at dover at 6am. Han and i don't know if we're the xiong di to go with gab or jie mei to stay with steph. Fan!!! She don't know to buy the flower bands for us. Haha. We got a room too! And mvp! We're bringing 2 sets of clothes to change. And gonna set our hair after church! Nel can stand beside gab instead cause of the evening gown she's wearing. Steph ask if it's the 3 of us getting married instead. Hahaha. My first gf will be there too. Hehehe.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Show them what butches can do!! Boss name it officially, Digital Force Butch Team. Which i think we'll suggest a better one. How abt DF Butch Force?
Ricky's gonna COOK bee hoon for q and i tmr morning! So sweet! Anyway d force is gonna start recruiting butches to work full time n train them for shows to perform. Imagine you walk through a roadshow n see a team of 20, maybe scattered in diff brands, or just one brand. All butches. No guys, no ladies. Marketing strategy. We're suppose to start the recruiting. Butch power! R, q n i took a pic 2gether n boss put up on e office wall. He say he hopes to see it grow to 6 then 9 and so on. I'm sure it will! :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Government Statistics Department
My house has been chosen for this household expenditure survey. I've never done this for my 24years. My dad's first time as well. We have to carry a notebook issue by the government around to record our daily expenses for 2weeks. My dad's a big one. A4. Mine's like a yellow 555 notebook. I don't know how to write cig n alcohol expenses in. We have to even write where we spent those money. I brought e notebook ard but i haven't fill in anything yet. I don't know how..... Tsk.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I'm having my dinner and definately falling asleep while eating. I feel my face is gonna smash into my hor fun any moment. I work changi at 6am to 3pm. Then straight to mustafa until 10. Not easy to work 14hours. Travelling time kills. No off since last week till mid NOV. But in a good way. In a good way. Alot more money.
Change of hobby. From thai disco to lunar.
Lost interest in thai girls alr. Heh.
With hot beijing and shanghai band and local dancers.
There's one i like ALOT.
She is hot and sexy when she dance and she knows popping and locking!
Damn cool.
I'm gonna hang at lunar from now....
Finally i've added one black and one white jeans.
Got some colours in my closet.
Lost interest in thai girls alr. Heh.
With hot beijing and shanghai band and local dancers.
There's one i like ALOT.
She is hot and sexy when she dance and she knows popping and locking!
Damn cool.
I'm gonna hang at lunar from now....
Finally i've added one black and one white jeans.
Got some colours in my closet.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Last call for Sg Airline Flight 464 to Dubai. I almost wanna dash into the plane.
Wo De Bi Gu Square Le!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a really very bad backside ache for sitting a way long journey to work by bus.
Not good.
I think i'll get piles.
Eeeeeeeeeee! ER XIN!
To be able to off work at 3pm, is something everyone will be envy about.
And to only able to stepped into your house at 6pm in the end???????????
This is how long my journey takes to airport and back.
work, reach home, sleep, dinner, sleep again, then work again.
I think rick is leading this kind of life too if i'm not wrong....
I'm following her footsteps.
I'll be working with her this thurs and fri airport.
Kbox 5th anniversary! So fast hor. 5 years down alr.
10 dollars nett all night long everyday since last sun to this thurs!
Free one drink!
I got a really very bad backside ache for sitting a way long journey to work by bus.
Not good.
I think i'll get piles.
Eeeeeeeeeee! ER XIN!
To be able to off work at 3pm, is something everyone will be envy about.
And to only able to stepped into your house at 6pm in the end???????????
This is how long my journey takes to airport and back.
work, reach home, sleep, dinner, sleep again, then work again.
I think rick is leading this kind of life too if i'm not wrong....
I'm following her footsteps.
I'll be working with her this thurs and fri airport.
Kbox 5th anniversary! So fast hor. 5 years down alr.
10 dollars nett all night long everyday since last sun to this thurs!
Free one drink!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Photo Video time!!!!!!!
I had a few jabs of self esteem. -smirk-
Soooooo, i'm gonna start work later at the airport and will be there quite often i guess. Any friends leaving town please let me know. They'll send you to the usual spot and i'll pick you up inside, turn back and wave byebye to them together! And of course, walk you to your gate and watch you board that plane. Hahahaha! I'll get beaten up soon. So zhuai!
Air crew friends, See ya!
Anyone wanna get tax free perfume let me know k? They say that's the only thing that we can bring out legally. I'll check it out later.
I am thinking of smuggling duty free cigs out.....
Lac zai had a fun time at work today playing SONY new feature in T200 and T70. THE SMILE SHUTTER.
In case some of you still didn't know, it's a feature whereby it'll automatically take a picture of you and your friends, when you lit a smile on your face.
Me: eh xiao leh
( Colleague put on a wide smile. )
Suddenly, the camera auto snapped.
Me: zai xiao
( Colleague kept showing his white teeth. )
The camera snapped again.
Both of us: Hahahahahaha... Hen hao xiao!!!!
Me: Eh yi zhi xiao!
( Colleague by this time got abit irritated by my persistence. So he gave a twitch at the corner of his mouth. )
The camera gave a flash within a split second.....
Both of us: Wahhhhhhhhhh.... zhe yang ye ke yi ar?! Ta hen li hai leh!!!!!
Me, not giving up: Wei, ni bu yao xiao. Kan zhe bian.
( Colleague gave a damn sad face. The camera had no reaction other than having his face boxed up for face detection. I tried pressing the shutter, but it can't work. )
Me: okay okay, please please. Xiao zhui hou yi ci.
( Colleague changed his sad face to a gentle smile. )
The camera flashed immediately.
Both of us: NB!!!!!! Zhen de hen li hai leh!!!!!!
We kept asking people to xiao until the customers gave us weird looks. So funny!
I want to buy T70.
Listen carefully to what gerald say.
" Ni men liang ge chee bye mei you xi jiao gan zai wo chuang shang tiao!! "
Hahahaha. I cannot stop laughing.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Make Believe.... Read Thoroughly
Make believe that CNC thought bao and I are together.
Make believe that an upcoming lesbian mag wanna feature bao and I as coming out lesbians. As a couple!
Make believe a CNC customer insisted in playing arm wrestle with me and nearly twisted my whole arm off. I felt the pain...
Make believe that i had an hour of heart warming conversation with a 62 year old man at CNC. Soooo sweeeeeet.
Make believe that bao had conversations with R.Tan and actually stoke her hair more than twice.
Make believe that when Irene and R.Tan had their tongues on each other infront of us, all we thought was, LIU BAI DAI! Damn fucking hot i tell you!!!
Make believe that people at PLAY etc zenna, asked why is there only the 2 of us, we just laughed it off. And she treated us free flow of beer.
Make believe that bao has officially taken over my place as the most yi shen bing de ren.
Make believe Bao and I are gonna resort to get attached at the same time, make do with ayumi and you know who. And we'll treat it as a dare. I think drake knows what i'm talking abt. Gerald and Kaew will faint immediately.
Make believe Bao and I are really acting as a couple unknowingly. Not trying to act loving or whatever.
Make believe a girl with long natural wavy hair, height as tall, figure as hot treated me like a kissing booth and moving rubber said that she like me. I will so much wanted her when she kissed me and had her body all around me.
Make believe it is the first time bao said my hair is okay when i had a new change of hair style.
Make believe CNC and TD people say I look good in my new hair. ( I shall post pictures of my new hair! )
Make believe bao said i look like zai zai when i laughed and that i look better when i get older.
Make believe when all things happened, we just wanna say it the TD way! Bao, you know what is it! I say LIU BAI DAI!
Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!
Jia He Wan Shi Xin!
Make believe that an upcoming lesbian mag wanna feature bao and I as coming out lesbians. As a couple!
Make believe a CNC customer insisted in playing arm wrestle with me and nearly twisted my whole arm off. I felt the pain...
Make believe that i had an hour of heart warming conversation with a 62 year old man at CNC. Soooo sweeeeeet.
Make believe that bao had conversations with R.Tan and actually stoke her hair more than twice.
Make believe that when Irene and R.Tan had their tongues on each other infront of us, all we thought was, LIU BAI DAI! Damn fucking hot i tell you!!!
Make believe that people at PLAY etc zenna, asked why is there only the 2 of us, we just laughed it off. And she treated us free flow of beer.
Make believe that bao has officially taken over my place as the most yi shen bing de ren.
Make believe Bao and I are gonna resort to get attached at the same time, make do with ayumi and you know who. And we'll treat it as a dare. I think drake knows what i'm talking abt. Gerald and Kaew will faint immediately.
Make believe Bao and I are really acting as a couple unknowingly. Not trying to act loving or whatever.
Make believe a girl with long natural wavy hair, height as tall, figure as hot treated me like a kissing booth and moving rubber said that she like me. I will so much wanted her when she kissed me and had her body all around me.
Make believe it is the first time bao said my hair is okay when i had a new change of hair style.
Make believe CNC and TD people say I look good in my new hair. ( I shall post pictures of my new hair! )
Make believe bao said i look like zai zai when i laughed and that i look better when i get older.
Make believe when all things happened, we just wanna say it the TD way! Bao, you know what is it! I say LIU BAI DAI!
Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!
Jia He Wan Shi Xin!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I think i got hang over and withdrawal symptoms from the gambling trip.
My mood was fucking bad and i felt extremely upset the past days.
Felt something is missing.
My mind is all about gambling.
And when i found out they have blackjack and texas on facebook, my mood brightened up and i haven't stop playing since morning....
Anybody wanna play with me?
I keep losing to those angmohs......Damn it la.
Not good.
My mood was fucking bad and i felt extremely upset the past days.
Felt something is missing.
My mind is all about gambling.
And when i found out they have blackjack and texas on facebook, my mood brightened up and i haven't stop playing since morning....
Anybody wanna play with me?
I keep losing to those angmohs......Damn it la.
Not good.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Casino Part 1
I went Genting when i was a Child for 3 days 2 nights.
1. Indoor and Outdoor theme park.
2. I must go wherever my teenage cousins bring me.
3. Endless waits at the arcade for the adults to bring us for meals because they didn't quite give us enough money to feed ourselves. And they were always late. We could not understand why.
4. Hunger accompanied us most of the time when adults were stuck in the casino and forgot that they actually brought along a class of under 21.
5. We'll determined whether they won or lost at the gambling tables on the food we eat and extra money for us to spent on the snacks and arcade. Buffet or food court they decide.
6. After dinner, we'll be given instructions that we must be back at the hotel room after the arcade closes, and go to bed asap while they continue to try their luck.
7. We had small conversations and decided that the casino was an evil place trying to kidnapped our parents.
8. Teenage cousins will plan their night activities secretly and sneak out when we're asleep.
9. We'll be late to board the coach back to sg because the adults are still trying their luck.
I went Genting when i was a Teenager for 3 days 2 nights.
1. Indoor and Outdoor theme park.
2. We must bring along a class of children wherever we go. They usually make our blood boil.
3. Hoping at least 1 adult come back so that we teenagers can have a break with the children.
4. After the children fell asleep was the only time we looked forward to. We'll go clubs to drink abit and dance our asses off.
5. Midnight walks outdoor to make some new friends was also part of the plan.
6. Stood outside the casino and wonder what was it that made the adults forgot about their own children.
7. Bombing the adults' handphones was a routine before we board the coach.
I went Genting when i was an Adult for 3 days 2 nights.
Our Big Plan.
1. Indoor and Outdoor Theme Park
2. Casino
3. Club on 1st night
4. Drinking games in our rooms on 2nd night
What Actually Happened.
Theme park.
1a." Aiya, raining, the rides will stop. "
b. " So expensive i rather spent it on gambling."
c. " Not many exciting rides there leh!"
d. " You all go lor, I don't play the rides one. I can go casino on my own. It's really okay."
2a. " Wahhhh the drinks so expensive. Not worth it."
b. " The cover is cheap la, but scarly nobody inside where got fun?!"
Drinking games in our room.
3a."Very tired la, don't want."
b. "Don't feel like drinking leh."
c. "The beer very expensive lor! 13rm! "
Yes. Sharon willing to give up theme park for casino. I think. haha.
Alac willing to give up clubs that plays Retro and Techno for casino.
Alac willing to give up drinking for casino. I only had a stout and didn't had the urge for more.
We were just finding excuses unknowingly.
Like we can say, " Oh you wanna drink coffee ar? Okay lor, later we go back casino and drink. "
They provide free bervages there la.
So I don't know how many cups of coffee we had a day. I even found out which casino provides the best coffee and make them walked through that place so that i can ta bao my kopi.
Now i understand why the adults will once stepped in, never come out.
It is not that addictive but it'll make you forget about time.
I can just stand there and watch people play for 2 hours without realising the time.
I sat there and make notes like most gamblers so that i can play with probability.
I won quite abit at 1st but lost all because i couldn't bear to stop.
We spent an average of 18hours a day inside. It was so bad that we forgot our meals and didn't feel hungry at all until we decided that we should stop awhile. Once we're out of casino, we ate like we haven't had any food for days.
Hotel room is just a one stop station to wash up and nap for a few hours.
Lunch at 3pm.
Casino until 10pm.
Then nap for 3hours.
Casino from 2am - 5am.
Breakfast then nap again.
Woke up at 11am.
Casino from 2pm- 9.30pm.
Dinner then nap at 11pm.
12am back at casino to 4 or 5 am i think.
Sleep and went back to casino until we're late for the coach back to sg that we had to run from the casino to the bus terminal.
I drew money from the atm so that i can gamble more.
Gambling is all in our minds all day and night. Even in our dreams.
Karyn dreamt that she's stopping ah ma from gambling further.
I dreamt that I'm at the Big Small table.
This is so interesting and a good experience.
I totally forgive the adults.
Because I understand now.
You had no idea how exhausted we were when we're back in town.
Gerald Kaew, can we go again together?!
1. Indoor and Outdoor theme park.
2. I must go wherever my teenage cousins bring me.
3. Endless waits at the arcade for the adults to bring us for meals because they didn't quite give us enough money to feed ourselves. And they were always late. We could not understand why.
4. Hunger accompanied us most of the time when adults were stuck in the casino and forgot that they actually brought along a class of under 21.
5. We'll determined whether they won or lost at the gambling tables on the food we eat and extra money for us to spent on the snacks and arcade. Buffet or food court they decide.
6. After dinner, we'll be given instructions that we must be back at the hotel room after the arcade closes, and go to bed asap while they continue to try their luck.
7. We had small conversations and decided that the casino was an evil place trying to kidnapped our parents.
8. Teenage cousins will plan their night activities secretly and sneak out when we're asleep.
9. We'll be late to board the coach back to sg because the adults are still trying their luck.
I went Genting when i was a Teenager for 3 days 2 nights.
1. Indoor and Outdoor theme park.
2. We must bring along a class of children wherever we go. They usually make our blood boil.
3. Hoping at least 1 adult come back so that we teenagers can have a break with the children.
4. After the children fell asleep was the only time we looked forward to. We'll go clubs to drink abit and dance our asses off.
5. Midnight walks outdoor to make some new friends was also part of the plan.
6. Stood outside the casino and wonder what was it that made the adults forgot about their own children.
7. Bombing the adults' handphones was a routine before we board the coach.
I went Genting when i was an Adult for 3 days 2 nights.
Our Big Plan.
1. Indoor and Outdoor Theme Park
2. Casino
3. Club on 1st night
4. Drinking games in our rooms on 2nd night
What Actually Happened.
Theme park.
1a." Aiya, raining, the rides will stop. "
b. " So expensive i rather spent it on gambling."
c. " Not many exciting rides there leh!"
d. " You all go lor, I don't play the rides one. I can go casino on my own. It's really okay."
2a. " Wahhhh the drinks so expensive. Not worth it."
b. " The cover is cheap la, but scarly nobody inside where got fun?!"
Drinking games in our room.
3a."Very tired la, don't want."
b. "Don't feel like drinking leh."
c. "The beer very expensive lor! 13rm! "
Yes. Sharon willing to give up theme park for casino. I think. haha.
Alac willing to give up clubs that plays Retro and Techno for casino.
Alac willing to give up drinking for casino. I only had a stout and didn't had the urge for more.
We were just finding excuses unknowingly.
Like we can say, " Oh you wanna drink coffee ar? Okay lor, later we go back casino and drink. "
They provide free bervages there la.
So I don't know how many cups of coffee we had a day. I even found out which casino provides the best coffee and make them walked through that place so that i can ta bao my kopi.
Now i understand why the adults will once stepped in, never come out.
It is not that addictive but it'll make you forget about time.
I can just stand there and watch people play for 2 hours without realising the time.
I sat there and make notes like most gamblers so that i can play with probability.
I won quite abit at 1st but lost all because i couldn't bear to stop.
We spent an average of 18hours a day inside. It was so bad that we forgot our meals and didn't feel hungry at all until we decided that we should stop awhile. Once we're out of casino, we ate like we haven't had any food for days.
Hotel room is just a one stop station to wash up and nap for a few hours.
Lunch at 3pm.
Casino until 10pm.
Then nap for 3hours.
Casino from 2am - 5am.
Breakfast then nap again.
Woke up at 11am.
Casino from 2pm- 9.30pm.
Dinner then nap at 11pm.
12am back at casino to 4 or 5 am i think.
Sleep and went back to casino until we're late for the coach back to sg that we had to run from the casino to the bus terminal.
I drew money from the atm so that i can gamble more.
Gambling is all in our minds all day and night. Even in our dreams.
Karyn dreamt that she's stopping ah ma from gambling further.
I dreamt that I'm at the Big Small table.
This is so interesting and a good experience.
I totally forgive the adults.
Because I understand now.
You had no idea how exhausted we were when we're back in town.
Gerald Kaew, can we go again together?!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Alacbao Productions II
Pictures bao took on our beach trip.
She forced me to be her model while she totally let herself indugled in being a photographer.
I was scolded by her quite a few times for not being a good model. #%*&%$.
Sunset was beautiful though.

Everyone pls laugh at the last picture?!
Bao said " This one soooooo nice! You see! You're looking at the moon! SHANG YUE!
Alac -_-"
Again i found random videos........
I was sooooo farking tanned then.
I want my tan back!
Can you see the difference in colour between bao and i?
Gerald Kaew, i bet you guys don't rem we had this video.
Anyway, bao has been complaining that she will be lonely this weekend as drake pau and i happened to be out of town the same time.
But at least she can play her PS2 to kill time.
I hope she doesn't go crazy when i come back....
Alright, i'll win big money over the weekend.
She forced me to be her model while she totally let herself indugled in being a photographer.
I was scolded by her quite a few times for not being a good model. #%*&%$.
Sunset was beautiful though.

Everyone pls laugh at the last picture?!
Bao said " This one soooooo nice! You see! You're looking at the moon! SHANG YUE!
Alac -_-"
Again i found random videos........
I was sooooo farking tanned then.
I want my tan back!
Can you see the difference in colour between bao and i?
Gerald Kaew, i bet you guys don't rem we had this video.
Anyway, bao has been complaining that she will be lonely this weekend as drake pau and i happened to be out of town the same time.
But at least she can play her PS2 to kill time.
I hope she doesn't go crazy when i come back....
Alright, i'll win big money over the weekend.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Step up
Bao n i signed up for clear card as well as their step up savings account. Interest at 0.68. Much better than our current account. Atm card will be used but cheque books put aside. We'll start saving with citibank. Bao treat me like her gf. We spent quality time together on off days to the beach, fighting lessons, photo taking, running errands, steamboats and beer. Just e 2 of us. She demands me to report to her whenever i'm out without her. I even kana questioning when i took a lil longer with supper.Haha!